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School Governors

Who are our school governors?

The governors are unpaid volunteers who are all motivated to make a positive contribution to the education of Thorndon children. Our governors are drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds. Some are parents of children in the school, some live in the neighbourhood, others work in the local business community or are appointed by the Trust. There is always one staff governor.

  • Mr Stephen Page (Chair of Governors - Local Governor)
  • Mr Jude Clark (Foundation Governor)
  • Mrs Marion Ravenhill (Trust Governor)
  • Mrs Gemma Snape (Local Governor)
  • Mrs Rebecca Gooderham (Local Governor)
  • Mrs Kate Coy (elected Parent Governor)
  • Mr Andrew Stone (elected Parent Governor)
  • Mrs Lisa Walls (elected Staff Governor)
  • Mr Daryl Jones (Executive Headteacher) 
  • Ms Hannah Meadowcroft (Head of School - non-voting member)
Chair of Governors
Mr Stephen Page
Local Governor Mrs Rebecca Gooderham
Staff Governor
Mrs Lisa Walls
Executive Headteacher
Mr Daryl Jones
Head of School
Ms Hannah Meadowcroft





How often do governors meet?

Governors meet as a Local Governing Body at least once a term.

In between meetings, governors attend training sessions, carry out school visits, review documents and respond to emails and telephone calls as needs demand.  On average, the role demands around 15 days of commitment per year.

How do I contact the governors?

Governors are happy to be approached in person in the playground (if available). More formal approaches can be made by writing to the Chair of Governors, Stephen Page. Letters for him can be left with the school office. Alternatively, governors can be contacted at the following email address: