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Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is an additional funding stream direct from Central Government. Its aim is to address the current underlying inequality between the academic achievements of pupils who are entitled to Free School Meals, in local Authority Care, have parents in the armed forces or have received Free School Meals in one or more of the previous 6 years (Ever 6).

Good education is vital to success and therefore, as a school, we are allocated Pupil Premium funding to address the educational needs of pupils and enable children to access wider opportunities and curriculum enrichment activities.

One way to address educational needs is to provide pupils with high quality interventions to move specific aspects of their learning forward. We therefore allocate a percentage of our pupil premium funding to support 1:1 individual and small group support opportunities delivered by our staff.

As a school, we have a dedicated team of Teaching Assistants and Learning Support Assistants, who have a range of experience levels. The professional development of these staff is vital if they are going to have the impact on learning that we require, not only to benefit our Pupil Premium children but also all children. Therefore, we allocate a percentage of our Pupil Premium funding to support this level of professional development and wider involvement and opportunities for these key staff in the planning process.


Interventions that Work

Fundamentally, good teaching and learning can and does narrow the gap in attainment. We are always striving to improve the quality of teaching and learning for all our pupils. However, for pupils that are identified as vulnerable of underachieving, the school uses its Pupil Premium funding to develop and deliver a range of further provisions, interventions and opportunities appropriate to each pupil. These include:

  • FFT Wave 3 Literacy support
  • Number box intervention
  • Individualised phonics intervention
  • Active Literacy Kit
  • Small group teaching in literacy and numeracy
  • Power of 2 (Maths
  • Alternative curriculum or tailored work experience programmes to meet the needs of the pupils



It is important that the impact of these provisions is monitored regularly so that their success can be judged and any modifications to provision can be made. Our data tracking system is at the forefront of this monitoring.

Please see our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025 & a review of the 2023/24 plan below for further details: